miércoles, 7 de octubre de 2009

the merida-beijing connection
extracts from investigations

Chinese Explorations to America:
+ Gavin Menzies, author of the book 1421: The Year China discovered the America, affirms that several pre-Columbian cultures from the north and south of the continent are descendants of Chinese adventures that came from the Pacific Ocean thousands of years ago following a route traced by sailors from the Ming Dynasty, and that in their trips they visited several settlements and founded others.
+ In a recent book published by Professor Hu Chundong, from the University of Beijing, it states that during the Tang Dynasty (618-907 AD), a group of Chinese erudites wrote about a supposed journey that sailors made to a distant country they named Fusang, which recent studies affirm referred to a zone now occupied by Mexico. Coincidentally, a Mayan legend explaining the origin of their ancestors says that they came from an unknown migration from the western sea.
+ As far as naval engineering goes, Chinese boats from the III century BC could easily reach the coasts of America. Studies say that they could build boats that were 6 to 8 meters across, 30 meters long and had 50-60 ton displacements, all this around 221 and 206 BC. To have a point of comparison, the Santa Maria, Columbus´ main ship, was 34 meters long, and displaced 100 tons; the Pinta, displaced 40 tons, and the Niña, which only had measured 18 meters, displaced 50 tons. But all this was 16 centuries later. This confirms that such journeys were possible.

Recent genetic studies give new insight that can further ratify this theory:

+ The DNA of the inhabitants of Buctzodz, a small town one hour away from the Yucatecan capital (Merida), as well of that of several other towns in the state, is identical to Chinese DNA. According to Menzies book, besides the genetic similarities, there are many others in their medicine, art and ritual burials.
+ In early 1900´s there was a large immigration of Koreans in Yucatan but this isn’t enough to explain the similar DNA because four generations isn’t enough to do the task. Likewise, in the 1820´s there was a large Lebanese immigration and there are not many Arabs in the population.
+ On a larger scale, it is clear that the ethnic groups that dominated this part of Mexico are of oriental ascendance which is easily seen because of the Mongolian or Mongoloid features, which include slanted eyes, less body hair, and the famous Mongolian spot, among other characteristics.
+ If the DNA of the inhabitants of Yucatan is identical of that of the Chinese, the probabilities of contact are superior to 99.9% because the chance of error are one in ten billion. If we take in consideration that the world population is around six billion, it’s pretty safe to say that this close contact existed.
+ Something curious is that Mayan surnames, for example, Chan and Chin, are pretty common in the state as well as in China.

Art, traditions and language: 
+ In Mayan art there is a known “Chinese style”, especially in pieces found in the state of Campeche (the state west of Yucatan) that are very similar to art of the Tang Dynasty.
The Mayans had the custom of placing a small piece of jade in the mouth of their dead. This custom is exactly like one observed by archeologists in ancient Chinese settlements, who also decorated their tombs by hanging a T-shaped amulet, which represented the wind. Professor Hu Chundong states that the Mayan also had this tradition and that for them it meant “sky and vitality”.
+ For over 25 years, Chundong has studied Mayan hieroglyphics and has found similarities between Mayan dialects and the ancient Chinese language. Using the contrastive linguistic method, which is used to compare languages, the professor chose 100 popular words from each language and found that 22 had similar pronunciation, especially with southeastern Chinese dialects.
+ On the other hand, the Mayan language is very different from Náhuatl, the language used in most of Mesoamerica, and its origin is still a mystery due to the geographic distance with the Aztecs as well as with the Olmecs, which is the mother of Mesoamerican cultures.
It is important to remember that there are 32 Mayan dialects derived from the Cholán dialect and from Yucatecan Mayan, and the areas where these are spoken correspond to the possible route that the Chinese had to take to reach Yucatan, which was very likely, the route taken to avoid Aztecs territories.

Religion And Science: 
Other coincidences associated with scientific and religious tendencies support the theory as well:

+ The dragons associated with Chinese celebrations are very much alike Kukulcán, the feathered snake worshiped by the Mayans, which was also known as Quetzalcoatl by the Aztecs.
+ The first Europeans to reach the coasts of British Columbia (Canada) found that the natives had wooden ceremonial masks which eyes where made out of coins similar to those used in China, which had a small hole in the center.
+ Both cultures used Zero (0) as a numeric element, unlike every other culture at that time.
Chinese astronomers of the Han Dynasty, like ancient Mayans, used exactly the same system to calculate upcoming celestial events such as lunar and solar eclipses.
+ The Mayans had a system very similar to the Chinese abacus that used beads on ropes. Investigators still think that the Mayans used this for purely recreational reasons and not scientific ones. This abacus is known as the Aztecs Abacus or the nepohualtzitzin.

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